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Technology & Business

Why AI Will Never Replace True Humanity

This article is not about the usefulness of artificial intelligence (AI), but an attempt to address a more profound question that has to do with the very nature and meaning of human life in the view of AI.  Saying that AI will never replace true humanity is not to say that AI system isn’t useful. In fact, AI is not only useful, but will become far more useful in the future than most people can imagine today. These are fundamentally different… Read More »Why AI Will Never Replace True Humanity

The Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) methodology for tech startups

The origin of Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) is a term coined by business strategist ZeMing M. Gao. It is a methodology that approaches new companies from a “CaaP engineering” point of view. From ideation, design, creation, buildout, scaling, and transaction (e.g., exit, sale, or IPO), CaaP methodology integrates multiple dimensions of technology, intellectual property (IP), corporate structure, team-building and business into a coherent product with a clear economic goal. The CaaP concept initially grew from… Read More »The Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) methodology for tech startups

Why China’s CBDC will succeed, and why it will not

The US is governed by lawyers, while China is governed by technocrats. The two nations’ approaches to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies illustrate these different compositions/dispositions with a shocking contrast. Is one superior to the other? You be the judge. Or the history will be. The US system worked very well in the last three centuries, largely because the lawyers left the business into the hands of the people (and American people did work hard and… Read More »Why China’s CBDC will succeed, and why it will not

Mass Customization

Toolots Inc., a cross-border e-commerce company headquartered in the greater LA area, is building an M2U (Manufacturer-2-Users) business model, which is a vertical platform that connects manufacturers directly to end-users to sell and service industrial equipment. M2U was created primarily to solve the problem of heavy intermediation faced by manufacturers, but we believe it will also be the right model to help achieve mass customization in manufacturing, a core act of the Industry 4.0 theme.… Read More »Mass Customization

The Humble Function of Education

Education is a very broad concept.  Here I narrow my comment on mass education only, such as schools. Chinese place too much false hope on school education.  Parents and the society expect the schools to make children successful individuals, and don’t realize that even the best school education is only a tool for children to learn some skills and knowledge. But this strangely high expectation is faced with the reality of a double failure: not… Read More »The Humble Function of Education

Individualized education

Individualized education, or adaptive education, is an education system based on the belief that everyone has his own natural and right course of learning, and no one should be forced to learn in a so-called “standard way”. The individualization factor in the five i’s, namely interactive, intuitive, intelligent, integrated, and individualized. A realization of the value of individualized learning is, of course, nothing new and hardly a worthy motive to become a business. The biggest… Read More »Individualized education

The new education

The history of encyclopedia is extremely illustrative for the development of education. Just think about it: The history of encyclopedia: Printed encyclopedia (Britannica) >> electronic encyclopedia (Encarta)  >>  dynamic Web encyclopedia  (Wikipedia and vertical web search engines) . The history-in-the-making of education: Conventional schools >> online education >> 5iX: interactive, intuitive, intelligent, integrated, and individualized learning (Xuexi 学习) The analogy is much deeper than the surface. The more you think about the concepts and the… Read More »The new education

What is education?

We all see the desperately ill conditions of Chinese education system. But will a new technology or new company arise to become the cure to the ill? My biggest fear is that advocates on education and education technology will end up being unable to cure the ills of the current Chinese education system, but in fact introducing more burdens on students and families. However, the greatest premises, and also promises, of personalized adaptive education is… Read More »What is education?

Startup in education tech

One of the most striking characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is their ability to attract many talented people’s commitment with very little money in the beginning.  It is not merely what they do, but also the things that concomitant with what they do. Several things must occur simultaneously for a company to arise as a star: (1) a golden opportunity that actually exists (not a mere illusion); (2) a clear vision of that opportunity; (3) a compelling articulation… Read More »Startup in education tech