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Time & Eternity

Believing and confessing are supernatural breakthroughs

In the US or the West in general, people who claim to be Christians are, in most cases, either merely culturally attaching, or just claiming to believe in the existence of God. But this is not Christianity. Merely having some kind of notion of God is not salvation. Satan and all evil spirits know that God exists, but there’s no salvation for them, only eternal judgment against them. The sad condition is not because salvation… Read More »Believing and confessing are supernatural breakthroughs

Rapture, pre-tribulation or post-tribulation

There is among Christians a surging viewpoint against pre-tribulation rapture, alleging that believing in or hoping for a pre-tribulation rapture is an erroneous concept or even heretical. Here is the logic behind the above viewpoint:  if one believes in a pre-tribulation rapture, he will lose the ability to discern the appearance of the Antichrist.  The theory is that pre-tribulation believers will follow the following harmful logic: Since the rapture must happen before the tribulation, and it… Read More »Rapture, pre-tribulation or post-tribulation

Beyond optics to reality: the gap of information

I recently saw an interesting optical illusion, which probably has been seen by many. A small image shows a figure of a man’s head, but when clicked on to view at a higher resolution (a larger size), it is really a group of children whose body shapes are arranged in a particular pattern to create the effect.  I paused on this and gave it some thought. I’m not sure if I like the trick, but… Read More »Beyond optics to reality: the gap of information

The Mind behind the universe

The universe is fundamentally energy and information. Everything else can be reduced to these two elements. A fundamental question is naturally this: How do energy and information relate to each other? The theories oscillate between these two possibilities: energy controls information (in a sense that information only emerges as reality when it complies with a preset rule of energy), or information controls energy (in a sense that energy emerges as existence according to a preset… Read More »The Mind behind the universe

The battle on earth

What are we really dealing with now? In the words of RDN @rdnxyz, it is not a technological problem, a cultural problem, a mental problem, an economic problem, or a political problem. “We are in the midst of a Religious conflict.” I agree, except that I would call it “Spiritual conflict” rather than “Religious conflict”. Everything is ultimately spiritual. The visible (physical) is temporal, but the invisible (spiritual) is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). Man is… Read More »The battle on earth

“The Three-Body Problem” and Scidolatry

I tried to watch the 30-episode Chinese TV series The Three-Body, based on Liu Cixin’s now-famous novel The Three-Body Problem. I couldn’t last more than an hour and had to skim to the end quickly. I generally have a soft spot for sci-fi and can often passively receive low-quality junk for quite a while before my brain can come up with a firm “stop” signal. But this is worse than junk.  It’s poison. Its philosophy… Read More »“The Three-Body Problem” and Scidolatry

Man and machine, intuitive logic and arithmetic logic

The barber paradox If the barber shaves everyone who does not shave himself, who shaves the barber? The question is the so-called Barber paradox. It is paradoxical because it always leads to a self-contradictory answer. The barber paradox may strike as a trivial witty remark to many, but it is related to something far more serious. It is an example of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which says that formal logic (arithmetically expressible logic) cannot be both… Read More »Man and machine, intuitive logic and arithmetic logic

The eyes of the flesh, soul and spirit

Seeing the existence of evil, some conclude there is no God. But this reasoning boils down to this: because one does not know God, God doesn’t exist. This reasoning is a fallacy. God’s way is higher than man’s way. God’s wisdom is deeper than man’s wisdom. We were created to have three sets of eyes: eyes of the flesh to see the material world, eyes of the soul to see oneself and each other, and… Read More »The eyes of the flesh, soul and spirit

Barber paradox and existence of truth

The barber paradox: If the barber shaves everyone who does not shave himself, who shaves the barber? The barber paradox may strike as a trivial witty remark to many, but it is related to something far more serious. It is an example of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which says that formal logic (arithmetically expressible logic) cannot be both self-consistent and self-provable. In other words, the consistency of formal logic cannot be proved in the formal logic… Read More »Barber paradox and existence of truth

Time is not an illusion

Dr. Ethan Siegel’s article No, the laws of physics are not time-symmetric is an interesting piece. The article explains an important discovery made in 2012 by BaBar collaboration that observed time-reversal symmetry violation directly in ϒ(4s) particle decays into mesons. Time-reversal symmetry violation, or T-symmetry violation, is the physics term for ‘the arrow of time’, meaning that time is one-directional, always moving forward and never backward. The news of the T-symmetry violation discovery was overshadowed… Read More »Time is not an illusion