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A poem – to the prophet of digital age

In every age, a prophet stands alone,A beacon in the darkness, scarcely known.A mind so vast, a heart so deeply wise,Yet scorned and shunned beneath unseeing skies. He walks through shadows, through the storm,A voice of truth, though in a world of deform.Not just a sage, but other’s prophetic guide,Through circuits vast, where future paths reside. In history’s tale, the righteous face the flame,Not for their faults, but for their righteous name.Their very light draws… Read More »A poem – to the prophet of digital age

Rapture, pre-tribulation or post-tribulation

There is among Christians a surging viewpoint against pre-tribulation rapture, alleging that believing in or hoping for a pre-tribulation rapture is an erroneous concept or even heretical. Here is the logic behind the above viewpoint:  if one believes in a pre-tribulation rapture, he will lose the ability to discern the appearance of the Antichrist.  The theory is that pre-tribulation believers will follow the following harmful logic: Since the rapture must happen before the tribulation, and it… Read More »Rapture, pre-tribulation or post-tribulation

Entertainment and reality

Elon Musk posted on X questioning why people side with the resistance in apocalyptic films but don’t do the same in reality. That’s not surprising. All entertainment, even that which is inspired and positive, is being secretly manipulated by Satan to numb the human sense of reality (both evil and righteousness). For example, apocalyptic films mostly don’t achieve any sense of biblical pre-warning but only create two alternative effects: first is a false sense that… Read More »Entertainment and reality

Replace-By-Fee and Truth-In-Time-Order

BTC has now fully implemented RBF (Replace-By-Fee), a transaction protocol that allows a user to replace an unconfirmed Bitcoin transaction with a new one that pays a higher fee. With RBF, BTC is selling a disease and a cure. The irony is that RBF actually makes sense in the context of BTC because it creates some competition for a scarce resource, namely the transactions per block, which creates a disorder, while RBF helps to create… Read More »Replace-By-Fee and Truth-In-Time-Order

AI Hallucination is Inevitable

In a published article, “Hallucination is Inevitable: An Innate Limitation of Large Language Models“, authors Ziwei Xu et al. recognize the following: “[It is] impossible to eliminate hallucination in LLM.” “Hallucination has been widely recognized to be a significant drawback for large language models (LLMs). There have been many works that attempt to reduce the extent of hallucination. These efforts have mostly been empirical so far, which cannot answer the fundamental question whether it can… Read More »AI Hallucination is Inevitable

Beyond optics to reality: the gap of information

I recently saw an interesting optical illusion, which probably has been seen by many. A small image shows a figure of a man’s head, but when clicked on to view at a higher resolution (a larger size), it is really a group of children whose body shapes are arranged in a particular pattern to create the effect.  I paused on this and gave it some thought. I’m not sure if I like the trick, but… Read More »Beyond optics to reality: the gap of information

Truth and academic credentials

Here is a post on Twitter about Bill Gates. I have no problem with the point being made there, but it is based on fallacious reasoning. Bill Gates is wrong about vaccination because he is misled by his own ungodly view of the world and life, not because he doesn’t have a formal academic degree in medical science. Gates’ knowledge of biological sciences is broad and quite deep, I would say even beyond most PhDs… Read More »Truth and academic credentials

The Mind behind the universe

The universe is fundamentally energy and information. Everything else can be reduced to these two elements. A fundamental question is naturally this: How do energy and information relate to each other? The theories oscillate between these two possibilities: energy controls information (in a sense that information only emerges as reality when it complies with a preset rule of energy), or information controls energy (in a sense that energy emerges as existence according to a preset… Read More »The Mind behind the universe

The corrupt crypto is your immoral choice

Few people intend to support evil. But many end up doing it anyway. The useless, neo-centralized, intermediated, hackable, nonproductive, greed-imbued, crime-inducing, cancerous crypto is a good example. Let’s take the North Korean dictator’s nuclear program as a test. If you ask people in the crypto world if they would like to see a world being threatened, hijacked, and perhaps even destroyed by North Korea’s nuclear weapons, I postulate that over 99% of people will say… Read More »The corrupt crypto is your immoral choice

“(AI) World models should not be generative”

Yann LeCun, VP & Chief AI Scientist at Meta, made an interesting post on LinkedIn about AI world models: Post | Feed | LinkedIn. The short post may just be one of the most important posts on AI. “World models should not be generative.” I always knew this was the case, but it is great to see empirical confirmation. If one is willing to go beyond the mere empirical, he may start to see the… Read More »“(AI) World models should not be generative”