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The Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) methodology for tech startups

The origin of Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) is a term coined by business strategist ZeMing M. Gao. It is a methodology that approaches new companies from a “CaaP engineering” point of view. From ideation, design, creation, buildout, scaling, and transaction (e.g., exit, sale, or IPO), CaaP methodology integrates multiple dimensions of technology, intellectual property (IP), corporate structure, team-building and business into a coherent product with a clear economic goal. The CaaP concept initially grew from… Read More »The Company-as-a-Product (CaaP) methodology for tech startups

Why China’s CBDC will succeed, and why it will not

The US is governed by lawyers, while China is governed by technocrats. The two nations’ approaches to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies illustrate these different compositions/dispositions with a shocking contrast. Is one superior to the other? You be the judge. Or the history will be. The US system worked very well in the last three centuries, largely because the lawyers left the business into the hands of the people (and American people did work hard and… Read More »Why China’s CBDC will succeed, and why it will not

Bitcoin is a computer

Ryan X. Charles’ interview with Michael Wehrmann (“Bitcoin is going to be the largest computer ever“) is an interesting read for the insights.  Aside from knowing God and understanding the universe itself, I think no question is more profound than knowing what “computation” is. Although I’m not quite sure if I like the concept of “the universe is a computer” (as seriously implied in the recent theory-of-everything formulated by Stephen Wolfgram), I do believe the… Read More »Bitcoin is a computer

Concurrence, Correlation and Causation

We humans have a tendency to confuse these three different concepts:  Concurrence, Correlation and Causation.  The Covid-19 crisis is a case in point. So far, we don’t have much serious data to answer this “3C” question, and we simply presume “causation”, which could prove to be wrong and foolish.  Exactly to what degree are the deaths currently reported as Covid-19 deaths actually a mere concurrence, or just a correlation, or causation indeed? Before figuring out the… Read More »Concurrence, Correlation and Causation

A Short Summary of the Modern China-West History

After reading a post calling people to remember the Chinese massacre of 1871 (condemning the atrocities committed by Western powers in China), I felt compelled to say something. First of all, I’d like to point out a few simple facts: (1) Had the West and China had not come into contact at all, none of this would have happened; (2) but the contact did happen and was in fact inevitable; (3) Today, few Chinese wish… Read More »A Short Summary of the Modern China-West History

The Lord’s body that is broken

“And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body.” Matthew 26:26. All moving beings on the earth need to eat and need food. And it was not a need that came after Adam’s sin and fall. When Adam was first created, God prepared food for him. “And the LORD God caused every tree to grow out… Read More »The Lord’s body that is broken

People are Misreading China’s Signal on Blockchain Technology

Many people attribute yesterday’s sudden rise of bitcoin price to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent speech. If this is indeed the case, then the market is misreading China’s crypto policies.  I’m not saying that bitcoin price should not rise, because that’s a whole different position. I’m just saying that the crypto market misunderstands China’s position on blockchain (or DLT in general), cryptocurrencies, and bitcoin. First, let me clarify that Xi’s speech was a very official and… Read More »People are Misreading China’s Signal on Blockchain Technology

The Death Knot

“Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.”. Acts 17:1-3. “Now while Paul waited for… Read More »The Death Knot

The Conscience

There is an important word in English, ‘conscience’. All other languages have an equivalent concept. If you look in a general dictionary, the definitions of the word ‘conscience’ in English and other languages are basically the same in their secular concepts. But a person who reads the Bible and is familiar with the Word of God will realize that there is a difference between the concept of “conscience” in secular vocabularies and the concept in… Read More »The Conscience

Humility in the ruins of sin

If you are holding something to yourself, not necessarily something that’s bad, but could be something that feels good, an honor, a treasure, a right, not only legitimate but even a blessed right, will you willingly lay it down and give it up if the Lord asks you to do just that? You will if, and only if, you see how the Lord emptied Himself, took a lowly form, took such humility, was obedient onto… Read More »Humility in the ruins of sin