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Comments on Kleiman v. Wright verdict

After almost 7 days of deliberation, the jury verdict of Kleiman v. Wright case came down on 2021-12-06, with a resounding victory for the Defendant Dr. Craig S. Wright, the inventor of Bitcoin. The jury was asked to decide about seven accusations against Wright after several weeks of trial hearing numerous testimonies under oath and...

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Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
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Mathematical proof that Dr. Craig S. Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto

Australian/UK polymath Dr. Craig S. Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin.

But he didn’t sign! And somebody else signed against him! – Yes, but let’s leave this to a later section in this chapter, and let’s first look at the totality of the facts and the math.

Despite a fabricated net of misinformation that has snared the public with widely spread narratives and propaganda, the truth is gradually breaking out. More and more people are able to overcome negative impressions and distractions and come to the objective and rational truth.

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
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A Case for DEX on Bitcoin

Although not a firm believer of decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized exchange (DEX) in their present forms in a general sense, I find it worthwhile to share the following truth: Superior DEX can be built on Bitcoin blockchain. For most people, it is a big surprise to hear that a decentralized exchange (DEX) can be, and already has been, built on Bitcoin blockchain; and it meets with incredulity and ridicule when you say that DEX… Read More »A Case for DEX on Bitcoin

In expectation of the historic Bitcoin trial: Kleiman v. Wright

Introduction After many delays, the Kleiman v. Wright case is set for trial this November 1, 2021. Many are watching the progress and outcome of the case, because not only will it decide the ownership of a large amount of BTC coins (over $60 billion at the current BTC price), but it may also for...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
(coming soon)

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Adam, Man, Woman

In the English language, the word ‘man’ in certain general context refers to ‘mankind’, representing both male and female. In other words, at a high abstract level, ‘Man’ includes both man and woman. Only when we understand God’s plan and creation of Adam, man and woman, can we appreciate the spiritual significance of this representation and relationship without secular sexism. “And God said, Let us make Adam,” (Genesis 1:26) “And God created Adam in His image,… Read More »Adam, Man, Woman

Currency is language, and speaking a foreign language is hard

Bitcoin should be spent as cash. That is the original intent of Satoshi Nakamoto for bitcoin, and also the continued design and effort by Bitcoin SV (BSV).

In fact bitcoin should be spent much more commonly, frequently and ubiquitously than paper cash.

However, for a practical reason, it should not be spent on the surface, but rather be spent behind the scene, almost invisible to regular users.

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
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Lightning Network on BTC doesn’t work, and is a dead-end even if it worked as claimed

It has been expertly argued that Lightning Network (LN) does not work and has security vulnerabilities and legal compliance issues (see, for example, Matthew Zietzke: Fundamental errors of BTC and Lightning Network; and Why Lightning will never be currency, and why BSV matters, by Craig S. Wright).

LN’s shortcomings and vulnerabilities are also hard to fix since they arise from fundamental properties of the off-chain payment network.

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
(coming soon)

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Craig Wright’s Bitcoin IP Battle Continues with COPA

Craig Wright won a default judgment against in a London court over copyright of the original Bitcoin whitepaper. The outcome lends more credence to Wright’s claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin. Far more interesting, however, is the separate ongoing case to challenge Wright’s copyright claim of the Bitcoin whitepaper in the...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
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Solana vs. Bitcoin SV (BSV)

Solana is one of the very few blockchains that took scalability seriously and produced remarkable results, currently boasting 50,000 TPS at peak load. Solana is based on a new consensus called “Proof of History” (PoH) which, along with other accompanying designs, enabled parallelization (horizontal scaling). Its apparent success is a concrete proof that horizontally scalable...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
(coming soon)

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Why BTC is a value-absorbing system, while the real Bitcoin is a value-creating system

Even before you get into deeper technical inquiries, it is rather evident in their distinct and conspicuous outward manners that Bitcoin Core (BTC) is a value absorbing system, while Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) a value creating system. Perhaps just a few minutes of experience in the atmosphere of the two recent conferences held by BTC...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
(coming soon)

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