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The sleeping beauty paradox is a fallacy

The sleeping beauty paradox is a problem that has puzzled mathematicians and many other scholars for decades. Here is a description of the problem: Participants volunteer to undergo the following experiment and are told all of the following details: On Sunday she will be put to sleep. Depending on a coin toss (see below) during the experiment, she will be either awakened, interviewed just once, or after the first interview put back to sleep with… Read More »The sleeping beauty paradox is a fallacy

China’s systemic problems compared to America’s

The New York Times: China’s Cities Are Buried in Debt, but They Keep Shoveling It On. The author points out the problems but describes them as if they were some kind of misunderstanding by Chinese leaders and policymakers that can be easily changed or avoided by coming to a better understanding. But at the root of all these problems is not a subjective lack of understanding of economics and policies but an objective core element… Read More »China’s systemic problems compared to America’s

The problem of higher education – a call for decentralized education

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the last 40 years, the US CPI-based overall inflation was 285%, while the cost of higher education increased by 1246% (12.46 times higher, about 4.4 times higher after inflation adjustment). From a financial point of view, higher education is clearly a broken system. But there’s more to this, pointing to even worse problems. First, it is a wealth redistribution problem, as Steven Herzberg pointed out: “It’s… Read More »The problem of higher education – a call for decentralized education

Communalism vs. communism

Jared A. Brock wrote an interesting piece on ‘Capitalism vs. Communalism‘ based on his experience of a Bruderhof (brotherhood) community. I like the fact that he used the word ‘Communalism’ instead of ‘Communism’. The difference? God, faith, and love. Faith is the linchpin to put together a society like the Bruderhof (brotherhood) community, and the lack thereof is the reason why communism is always a disaster. Historically, this is not even accidental, because everyone who promoted… Read More »Communalism vs. communism

AI is not generative, but synthetic

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is both underestimated and overestimated at the same time. Underestimated for its potential usefulness (or potential damages, if used improperly), but overestimated for its real generative intelligence or creativity. With its efficiency, AI will force people to redefine their jobs. With its fake ‘creativity’, however, AI will force human beings to reflect upon true humanity seriously. If the man (male and female) regards himself as just a biological machine, then not only… Read More »AI is not generative, but synthetic

The Layers of Universe and Humanity

The universe we live in is a juxtaposition of two layers, a physical and a spiritual. Mankind is a critical nexus between the two layers, because man is spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23), alone has existence both in the spiritual and the physical with soul in the middle as an interface. The physical...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
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Republic, democracy and demagoguery

The word ‘democracy’ has broad meaning, and really isn’t the right word for some of the political contexts debating over the question whether ‘the US is a republic or democracy’. The more accurate expression is that ‘the US is a republic not a demagoguery’. Let’s separate “what it should be” from “what it really is”, and further “what it really is” from “what it was”. These are different things. There is simply no valid dispute… Read More »Republic, democracy and demagoguery

The two dimensional Orwellian / Huxleyan vector space

In his book “Amusing Ourselves to Death”, Neil Postman compared Orwell and Huxley: What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell… Read More »The two dimensional Orwellian / Huxleyan vector space

Inflation & Deflation

The most fundamental difference between inflation and deflation is that inflation is artificial while deflation can be natural. Mainstream economists would not agree with this characterization or understand it. This is only because they bring an inflationary mindset to judge the natural deflationary environment, failing to appreciate the most essential distinction between two different types of deflations that have different causes and impacts. The first type of deflation is caused by a lack of demand.… Read More »Inflation & Deflation

What’s wrong with the politicians?  

The US is an economy that struggles to produce what people need, while China an economy that produces more than what its people can afford.  This is why, while high inflation rate in the US is not good news, low inflation in China is not either. It all depends on what causes them. Yet, the US resorts to money-creation (printing) to stimulate consumption, while China continues to invest in the supply-side even when such investments are… Read More »What’s wrong with the politicians?