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Complexity and purpose

Complexity as a phenomenon is real. The problem is that Complexity Theory (and its theorists) tend to have an ideological bend toward positivism, relativism, and existentialism and presume that the universe or its subsystems (including life and human organizations) do not have a moral purpose.

Some acknowledge that there must be some built-in hidden purposeful order driving the complexity, but overall, they find satisfaction in the idea that self-organizing order can emerge from nothingness or orderlessness.

My view is that they are wrong. Although complexity as a phenomenon is real, there is a purposeful design behind the creation, and there is also a fundamental moral battle/selection in what emerges from a complex system.

‘Battle’, because of the temporal conflict between the Divine and the Adversary, and ‘selection’, because of the eternal sovereignty of the Divine.

When it comes to human systems, it is never merely about complexity as a natural phenomenon. Not every emerging self-organization from complexity is morally justified.

There is a difference between cancer and life.

There is a difference between an economic system that only absorbs value and one that creates value.

Even if both seem to emerge as self-organization from complexity.

There is always a moral responsibility, which is not based on our subjective opinions but on an objective divine purpose.

There ought to be some fear of being morally wrong (i.e., missing the divine purpose) in what one chooses to believe and to do.
