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A parable told in the end times

[Recommend my two-volume book for more reading]:

BIT & COIN:  Merging Digitality and Physicality

The world is in the end time. The old order crumbles down, giving place to visible chaos and an invisible new order, simultaneously and diametrically opposing each other. The middle ground is being eliminated.

Strange things are given as important signs to test people’s hearts when choosing between the two.

Many parables are emerging from the realms of religion, politics, social movements, moral perceptions, science, and economics. They are all characterized by contradictions that surpass common sense, indicating the influence of supernatural forces.


  • Idolatry of science (scidolatry, including mind-controlling propaganda of naturalism and pantheism and the emerging Artificial-Intelligenceism, or AIeism, all built upon unchallengeable presumptive materialism);
  • Pride in sin (not sin as a weakness, but taking crowning pride in the reign of sin);
  • Worship of Mammon (not using money as a necessary tool, but elevating it to the position of a controlling dictator deciding the motive and judgment of every act).

If these big structures and movements are too broad to grasp, the morals are being illustrated using more specific parables.

Satoshi and Bitcoin

The matter of Satoshi’s identity and the true nature of blockchain strikes as a sharp, concrete, and contrasty parable of the end time.

The world’s selfish and deceptive denial of Satoshi’s right as a creator, along with its rejection of the true Bitcoin, tells a remarkable parable of something far more fundamental and ultimate than Satoshi himself and Bitcoin. It falls precisely in line with the biblical parable in which the tenants rejected the owner of the vineyard, and religionists killed the true object of faith who brings good to people.

Whether the Satoshi parable will end with the resurrection of the creator to mirror the complete scope of the biblical meaning, we don’t know, but the first half already has astounding depth and accuracy.

Given the signs of the end time, the thing that everyone should watch out for the most is to make sure you do not wear the mark of the Beast.

What is the mark of the Beast? People focus on superficial technicality but overlook the spiritual and moral principles behind it: It is the mark of a heart that chooses what feels good according to the flesh but not according to the spirit of truth. See Marks of the end time.

It isn’t merely about finance and the economy. It is about the future of humanity and people’s fate in the coming Order.

Now choose:

  • A world in which Satoshi is idolized and sacrificed (killed) to satisfy your own selfish desires, or a world in which Satoshi is recognized as a real human inventor and leader requiring participants to strive for a common good.
  • A world in which “Blockchain” is used as a seductive storytelling cloak to lure people into selfish schemes that have no productivity and utility, or a world in which the blockchain is built as a tool to enhance a fairer and more productive economy and to fight against the delusionary attacks on human reality.

[Recommend my two-volume book for more reading]:

BIT & COIN:  Merging Digitality and Physicality
