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I advise companies and entrepreneurs in areas outlined below. I only work with teams and projects I deeply believe in, and usually no more than three projects at the same time.

Company Solutions Architecture and Building

I advise tech companies including startups, and provide solutions architecture and building through Caapable.  I can be more than an advisor by becoming an organic part of the startup team, acting as an insider subject expert on various aspects of the company, as well as a strategist.

Intellectual Property Strategies and Formation

I help design core IP architecture, build global IP systems, and formulate strategies.  I provide deep insights of the relationship between a company’s business and its IP from the perspective of an insider, seeing them both as an asset and economic driver co-operating reciprocally.

Blockchain, Smart Contracts & Tokenization

I understand the blockchain technology and smart contracts from a true multidisciplinary viewpoint (tech, economics, IP, business model, and legal), and provide solutions in creating new businesses or transforming a traditional business to the smart-business paradigm.


Visit Caapable for more information.


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