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Barber paradox and existence of truth

The barber paradox: If the barber shaves everyone who does not shave himself, who shaves the barber? The barber paradox may strike as a trivial witty remark to many, but it is related to something far more serious. It is an example of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which says that formal logic (arithmetically expressible logic) cannot be both self-consistent and self-provable. In other words, the consistency of formal logic cannot be proved in the formal logic… Read More »Barber paradox and existence of truth

Political Robinhooding

The US and the British governments have been saying they will support Ukraine no matter the cost. This is admirable, but it also exposes the core of today’s politics, especially Western politics, whose politicians have been trained to make such commitments because: (1) it feels good (works like a boost of ideological dopamine), (2) it sounds good (has publicity value), (3) it is career-sustaining (has a resume-dressing value), (4) the best part is that the… Read More »Political Robinhooding

Decentralized Human Capitalism (DHC) is the answer for this and future generations

‘Boomers can’t conceptualize’: A college student says older generations don’t know about inflation, never had to fight for jobs. Yes, the disparity is huge, and she is right that people don’t get it, especially the boomers. But the reason for that has nothing to do with inflation or difficulties in finding a job, which all...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
(coming soon)

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Complexity and purpose

Complexity as a phenomenon is real. The problem is that Complexity Theory (and its theorists) tend to have an ideological bend toward positivism, relativism, and existentialism and presume that the universe or its subsystems (including life and human organizations) do not have a moral purpose. Some acknowledge that there must be some built-in hidden purposeful order driving the complexity, but overall, they find satisfaction in the idea that self-organizing order can emerge from nothingness or… Read More »Complexity and purpose

Why data ownership must be decentralized – the path to decentralized human capitalism

I’m worried about mass corruption as well as central control. The former is a Huxleyan dystopia while the latter an Orwellian dystopia. See: The two dimensional Orwellian / Huxleyan vector space. Today, when the issue of centralized data is discussed, privacy is usually the focus of the concern. But the reason why centralized data is...

Read more... The full content of this chapter is available in the two-volume book:

Bit & Coin

Merging Digitality and Physicality

Volume IDigital Humanity’s Truth Layer - The New Internet, its Authenticity Layer, and Applications
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Volume IIBitcoin, Blockchain, and Beyond - Essays of Science, Economics, Law, Ethics, and Controversies
(coming soon)

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The usefulness and deceptiveness of AI

What about AI that concerns you the most?  I can tell you mine.  The deception of AI. Although AI will not actually become conscious, people will subjectively believe it has gained consciousness, and the humanity will succumb to a fake superior intelligence, and enter into AI-induced degeneration. The objective truth and the subjective human understanding can be very different.  And the subjective human understanding about AI will have consequences built upon the misunderstanding itself.  AGI AI will never objectively achieve super… Read More »The usefulness and deceptiveness of AI

Public opinion and reality

I read some portions of the PUBLIC OPINION (1921) written by Walter Lippmann. The 266-page book is about politics and public opinions, but it is highly pertinent to almost anything that involves public opinions, including crypto market prices, which are the result of voting of public opinions based on imaginary things, not the reality. However, there are some differences between the market and politics. Although human behavior and psychology are the same, the market and… Read More »Public opinion and reality

The DDD (Detrimental Dollar Dominance) Syndrome

Contrary to what most people think, the dollar dominance in the long term is not good for the US as a nation and the American people as a whole. First of all, the dollar dominance does not benefit the US evenly. It mostly benefits the financial sector, at the expense of industries, especially manufacturing. Secondly, the dollar dominance relies on the US ‘consuming‘ (i.e. depleting) its national strength without sufficient reproduction. On top of that,… Read More »The DDD (Detrimental Dollar Dominance) Syndrome

Left-brain thinking is destroying civilization

Dr. Iain McGilchrist’s UnHerd interview is worth watching. Such a profound thinker, whether you agree with him or not. Dr. McGilchrist is a neuroscientist and philosopher. His book The Master and his Emissary (2009) sets out the idea that the Western society has become dominated by narrow left-brain thinking, which is destroying the civilization. The ‘left hemisphere delusion’ described by Dr. McGilchrist is such a profound insight that everyone should at least give some serious thought… Read More »Left-brain thinking is destroying civilization

ChatGPT is both incredibly unintelligent and superbly capable at the same time

ChatGPT is still incredibly unintelligent. But it is also superbly capable at the same time. Let me explain with a very simple example. I asked ChatGPT if it could translate from Chinese to English. It replied sure can. So I submitted a long text in Chinese. It pumped out amazingly accurate translation. But then it stopped in the middle, with no further explanation. Zem: “Why did you give up in the middle? Was it because… Read More »ChatGPT is both incredibly unintelligent and superbly capable at the same time